A young bullfighter has been arrested after running out of a Mexico City bull ring at the beginning of a fight. 墨西哥的一个斗牛场里,斗牛才刚开始,一位年轻的斗牛士便逃出了斗牛场。他也因此而被捕。
The bull forgot all about the matador and ran at the drunk who had wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight. 公牛全然不顾斗牛士,向斗牛场中央的醉汉冲去,他是在斗牛比赛中糊里糊涂走进去的。
During a bull fight, the bull will sometimes stake out a particular part of the ring where it feels safe: its querencia. 在斗牛的时候,牛有时候会把守一个安全的区域。
Every morning, hundreds of intrepid locals and visitors risk their lives to outpace galloping bulls as they hurtle through the streets towards the bull ring. 每天早晨,数百名勇敢的市民与游客冒着生命危险超越飞奔的牛群。
An authentic signature; a bona fide manuscript; an unquestionable antique; photographs taken in a veritable bull ring. 可信的签名;真实的手稿;毫无疑问的古董;在真实的斗牛场拍摄的相片。
Thousands of people flock to the bull ring to watch this intense and entertaining competition between man and animal. 成千上万的观众涌入斗牛场,观赏人与牛之间激烈而有趣的角逐。